Reseña de A Kiss of Seduction

Beverley Kendall

A Kiss of Seduction de Beverley Kendall Resumen del Libro

She hopes to gain his affections

For Miss Elizabeth Smith, sharing her first kiss with the charming Lord Derek Creswell is nothing short of a dream come true...that is, until she is spotted by one of the most influential gossips of the ton. With scandal nipping at her heels, to avoid total social ruin, Elizabeth must present a fiancé by the end of the Season. But when the viscount proves reluctant, Elizabeth is forced to employ a seduction of a different sort...

He is determined to ruin her

Viscount Derek Creswell believes Elizabeth set out to trap him into marriage. After all, her sister attempted the very same thing with his brother six years before. Now the delectable Miss Smith expects a betrothal and a ring, while Derek finds her ruination infinitely more appealing... 

But as Derek sets out to seduce only her body, Elizabeth is intent on claiming his jaded heart.

Previously titled All's Fair in Love and Seduction


Deliciously intense - Cathy Maxwell, New York Times bestselling Author

Sexy and Dramatic - Sophia Nash, RITA award winning author

"Finely wrought emotion."--Sarah MacLean, New York Times bestselling author of Nine Rules to Breaking When Romancing a Rake


"A delightful debut! Beverley Kendall writes with wit and passion!" --Sophie Jordan, USA Today bestselling author

"A fresh new voice in historical romance." --Anna Campbell, author of Captive of Sin

Other books in the series

A Whisper of Scandal(James & Missy) - previously titled Sinful Surrnder
A Taste of Desire (Thomas & Amelia)
An Heir of Deception (Alex & Charlotte)

Connecting series: The Temptresses 

Twice the Temptation (Lucas & Catherine)
The Road to Temptation (Meghan & Rhys) - Prequel
A Wicked Temptation (Meghan & Rhys) - Novel

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Nombre del libro A Kiss of Seduction
Género Romance de temática histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.41 MB

A Kiss of Seduction (Beverley Kendall) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de A Kiss of Seduction E-Book

El libro A Kiss of Seduction escrito por Beverley Kendall se publicó el martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011 en la categoría Romance de temática histórica. Un total de 150 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico a kiss of seduction (3.41 MB)

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