Reseña de Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts)

Joanne Harris

Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts) de Joanne Harris Resumen del Libro

In 'Auto-da-fé', a man's car defines him. Until the Rep of the Year, in his smart blue BMW, goes head-to- head in a showdown with V-man in his smug black Volvo saloon. But who is the real loser in this game?

In 'Free Spirit', a wanderer, a party animal, goes wherever the wind blows, going home to bed with one person after another, old or young, healthy or corrupt, male or female. And then moves on, without regrets, without ever looking back...

In 'Fule's Gold', Mr Fisher has taught at St Swithin's for over forty years, but is resigned to the total lack of imagination of the boys in his creative writing class. Until the day he opens one exercise book and discovers the Holy Grail of literature: an essay of total freshness and originality. But is it just too good to have been written by a mere schoolboy?

Part of the Storycuts series, these three stories were previously published in the collection Jigs & Reels.

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Nombre del libro Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts)
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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 423.36 KB

Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts) (Joanne Harris) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts), libro de Joanne Harris

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Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts) Libros Similares

Descarga de Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts) E-Book

El libro Auto-da-fé/Free Spirit/Fule’s Gold (Storycuts) escrito por Joanne Harris se publicó el jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011 en la categoría Relatos. Un total de 192 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico auto-da-fé/free spirit/fule’s gold (storycuts) (423.36 KB)

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