Reseña de A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man.

Daniel Defoe

A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man. de Daniel Defoe Resumen del Libro

A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man., Daniel Defoe. A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. [2],112,117-289,[1]p. ; 8⁰. London : printed [for John How] in the year, 1703. The author of The true-born English-man = Daniel Defoe. The unauthorized edition. Publisher identified in Moore. Text and register continuous despite pagination. Reproduction of original from the British Library. Moore, 54 English Short Title Catalog, ESTCT71926. Electronic data. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson Gale, 2003. Page image (PNG). Digitized image of the microfilm version produced in Woodbridge, CT by Research Publications, 1982-2002 (later known as Primary Source Microfilm, an imprint of the Gale Group).

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Nombre del libro A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man.
Género Ficción y literatura
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 281.61 KB

A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man. (Daniel Defoe) Análisis y Personajes

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¡Por favor espera! A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man. cargando comentarios del libro...

Comentario de A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man., libro de Daniel Defoe

¿Ya leíste este libro? ¿Qué opinas del libro A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man. de Daniel Defoe? ¡Haga una pregunta a la comunidad de sobre A collection of the writings of the author of The true-born English-man.!

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