Reseña de Electrical Systems - An Introduction for Non-Electrical Students

Suleiman M. Sharkh

Electrical Systems - An Introduction for Non-Electrical Students de Suleiman M. Sharkh Resumen del Libro

One of the challenges of teaching Electrical Systems to non-electrical students (e.g. mechanical engineering, aeronautics, astronautics, and ship science students) has been the breadth of the module, which encompasses many topics that are normally covered by several modules in an electrical engineering degree.  This relatively short book presents the essential fundamentals in a concise yet rigorous manner, introducing case studies from non-electrical engineering disciplines, and cross-linking the material to other subjects (e.g. electrical and mechanical system analogies, fluids pipe flow networks, heat transfer thermal networks, instrumentation and control).

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Nombre del libro Electrical Systems - An Introduction for Non-Electrical Students
Género Ingeniería
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 7.38 MB

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Descarga de Electrical Systems - An Introduction for Non-Electrical Students E-Book

El libro Electrical Systems - An Introduction for Non-Electrical Students escrito por Suleiman M. Sharkh se publicó el viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012 en la categoría Ingeniería. Un total de 184 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico electrical systems - an introduction for non-electrical students (7.38 MB)

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