Reseña de The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 1

Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 1 de Dante Alighieri Resumen del Libro

The very rare first edition with illustrations to paradise. It is the first edition with the commentary of cristoforo landino revised by pietro da fighine. The COMMEDIA is followed by Credo, Dieci Comandamenti, Sette Salmi, Pater Noster and Ave Maria. The greatest yet attempted in poetry, was to explain and justify the Christian cosmos through the allegory of a pilgrimage. To him comes Virgil, the symbol of philosophy, to guide him through the two lower realms of the next world, which are divided according to the classifications of the ‘Ethics’ of Aristotle. Hell is seen as an inverted cone with its point where lies Lucifer fixed in ice at the centre of the world, and the pilgrimage from it is a climb to the foot of and then up the Purgatorial Mountain. Along the way Dante passes Popes, Kings and Emperors, poets, warriors and citizens of Florence, expiating the sins of their life on earth. On the summit is the Earthly Paradise where Beatrice meets them and Virgil departs. Dante is now led through the various spheres of heaven, and the poem ends with a vision of the Deity. The audacity of his theme, the success of its treatment, the beauty and majesty of his verse, have ensured that his poem never lost its reputation. The picture of divine justice is entirely unclouded by Dante’s own political prejudices, and his language never falls short of what he describes".

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Descarga de The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 1 E-Book

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