Reseña de The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 2

Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 2 de Dante Alighieri Resumen del Libro

It is is biographical book. Now had I left those spirits, and pursued The steps of my Conductor, when beheld Pointing the finger at me one exclaimed: 'See how it seems as if the light not shone From the left hand of him beneath, and he, As living, seems to be led on. ' Mine eyes I at that sound reverting, saw them gaze Through wonder first at me, and then at me And the light broken underneath, by turns. 'Why are thy thoughts thus riveted?' my guide Exclaimed, 'that thou hast slacked thy pace? or how Imports it thee, what thing is whispered here? Come after me, and to their babblings leave The crowd. Be as a tower, that, firmly set, Shakes not its top for any blast that blows! He, in whose bosom thought on thought shoots out, Still of his aim is wide, in that the one Sicklies and wastes to nought the other's strength. '

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Nombre del libro The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 2
Género Biografías y memorias
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 433.99 KB

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Descarga de The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 2 E-Book

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