Reseña de The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 5

Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 5 de Dante Alighieri Resumen del Libro

It is is biographical book. While singly thus along the rim we walked, Oft the good master warned me: 'Look thou well. Avail it that I caution thee. '  The sun Now all the western clime irradiate changed From azure tinct to white; and, as I passed, My passing shadow made the numbered flame Burn ruddier.  At so strange a sight I marked That many a spirit marveled on his way. This bred occasion first to speak of me, 'He seems, ' said they, 'no insubstantial frame:' Then to obtain what certainty they might, Stretched towards me, careful not to over pass The burning pale.

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Nombre del libro The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 5
Género Biografías y memorias
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 383.59 KB

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Descarga de The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 5 E-Book

El libro The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Purgatory, Volume 5 escrito por Dante Alighieri se publicó el jueves, 1 de enero de 1321 en la categoría Biografías y memorias. Un total de 74 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the divine comedy by dante, illustrated, purgatory, volume 5 (383.59 KB)

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