Reseña de Hollyhock

L. T. Meade

Hollyhock de L. T. Meade Resumen del Libro

Very different was the Upper Glen. It was beyond doubt a most beautiful region, and as Edinburgh and Glasgow were only some fifty miles away, in these days of motor cars it was easy to drive there for the good things of life. The Glen was sheltered from the worst storms by vast mountains, and was in itself both broad and flat, with a great inrush of fresh air, a mighty river, and three lakes of various sizes. So beautiful was it, so delightful were its soft and yet at times keen breezes, that it might have been called 'The Home of Health'. But no one thought of giving the Glen this title, for the simple reason that no one thought of health in the Glen; every one was enjoying that blessed privilege to the utmost. At the time when this story opens, two families lived in the Upper Glen. There was a widowed lady, Mrs Constable, who resided at a lovely home called The Paddock; and there was her brother, a widower, who lived in a house equally beautiful, named The Garden.

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Nombre del libro Hollyhock
Género No ficción general para jóvenes
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 347.76 KB

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Descarga de Hollyhock E-Book

El libro Hollyhock escrito por L. T. Meade se publicó el jueves, 1 de enero de 1914 en la categoría No ficción general para jóvenes. Un total de 118 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico hollyhock (347.76 KB)

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