Reseña de Learn the Alphabet: Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version)

Innovative Language Learning, LLC

Learn the Alphabet: Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version) de Innovative Language Learning, LLC Resumen del Libro

Introduce your child to the English alphabet through playful animated illustrations of their favorite animals and creatures. Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version) is the perfect alphabet learning tool for your toddler. Each colorful animal illustrations come to life through animation and video as your child explores the scene. Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version) will keep your child's attention while they absorb the alphabet with their animal friends. 

Fully Animated
Not only are the animals and letters presented in colorful artwork, full videos of each animal in its natural environment will help your child recognize them even better than before. 

Interactive Scenery
Hidden animation on every scene will keep your child's mind engaged and attentive! 

Educational Audio
Your child will learn the alphabet with ease with a friendly voice guiding them through the book. They'll hear the name of the animal, the name of the letter, its proper pronunciation and a simple phrase matching the animal with the colors and places. 

Awesome Video
Hidden in each scenario is a high resolution video showing the animal in action in their natural environment. Plus, these videos are accompanied by full audio sentences to teach verbs and other actions. 

- 26 letters of the alphabet presented with animated pictures and video 
- Audio samples presenting examples and easy vocabulary like colors and simple actions
- Big buttons perfect for young fingers! 
- 3 different vocal expressions
- Easy-to-use e-book interface

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Nombre del libro Learn the Alphabet: Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version)
Género Primeras lecturas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 155.37 MB

Learn the Alphabet: Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version) (Innovative Language Learning, LLC) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Learn the Alphabet: Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version) E-Book

El libro Learn the Alphabet: Talking ABC Animals for Kids (Enhanced Version) escrito por Innovative Language Learning, LLC se publicó el jueves, 14 de junio de 2012 en la categoría Primeras lecturas. Un total de 36 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico learn the alphabet: talking abc animals for kids (enhanced version) (155.37 MB)

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