Reseña de One Asia Momentum

Chang Dae-whan

One Asia Momentum de Chang Dae-whan Resumen del Libro

This book was written for an introduction of One Asia. It explains everything about the vision of One Asia, logically and methodically - what it is, what it is for, and what we need to do to realize it.
While reading the book, you will naturally come to understand that we don’t necessarily have to be restricted by geographical boundaries in defining One Asia, that the joint efforts of Korea, China, and Japan are of utmost impor- tance, and that commitment to respect and understand each other is an absolute necessity if we are to bring fragmented Asian countries into One.
More prosperous, peaceful and open One Asia will prove to be a blessing for all humanity. With realization of One Asia, the Asia that is in strained relation- ships now will be transformed into a region where harmony and peace flour- ish. In One Asia, the world will find more opportunities to grow.
For the past 60 years, a great many Koreans have remained unaware of Asia and didn’t give much attention to it, even though we are physically located in Asia. We may ask ourselves “Didn’t we too much direct our eyes and hearts only to the West all those years?”
But now, things are different. Asia is the future of the World, and the future of Korea. It is my humble hope that this book will help ignite the desire to become One Asia for all Asians.

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Descarga de One Asia Momentum E-Book

El libro One Asia Momentum escrito por Chang Dae-whan se publicó el lunes, 2 de julio de 2012 en la categoría Finanzas. Un total de 34 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico one asia momentum (8.55 MB)

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