Reseña de The Immune System Recovery Plan

Susan Blum

The Immune System Recovery Plan de Susan Blum Resumen del Libro

The bestselling book with 100,000 copies in print from one of the most sought-after experts in the field of functional medicine, Dr. Susan Blum, author of Healing Arthritis, shares the four-step program she used to treat her own serious autoimmune condition and help countless patients reverse their symptoms, heal their immune systems, and prevent future illness.

• Are you constantly exhausted?
• Do you frequently feel sick?
• Are you hot when others are cold, or cold when everyone else is warm?
• Do you have trouble thinking clearly, aka “brain fog”?
• Do you often feel irritable?
• Are you experiencing hair loss, dry skin, or unexplained weight fluctuation?
• Do your joints ache or swell but you don’t know why?
• Do you have an overall sense of not feeling your best, but it has been going on so long it’s actually normal to you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have an autoimmune disease, and this book is the “medicine” you need. Among the most prevalent forms of chronic illness in this country, autoimmune disease affects nearly 23.5 million Americans. This epidemic—a result of the toxins in our diet; exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, and antibiotics; and unprecedented stress levels—has caused millions to suffer from autoimmune conditions such as Graves’ disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, lupus, and more.

• Using food as medicine
• Understanding the stress connection
• Healing your gut and digestive system
• Optimizing liver function

Each of these sections includes an interactive workbook to help you determine and create your own personal treatment program. Also included are recipes for simple, easy-to-prepare dishes to jump-start the healing process.

The Immune System Recovery Plan is a revolutionary way for people to balance their immune systems, transform their health, and live fuller, happier lives.

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Nombre del libro The Immune System Recovery Plan
Género Salud, mente y cuerpo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 8.18 MB

The Immune System Recovery Plan (Susan Blum) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Immune System Recovery Plan E-Book

El libro The Immune System Recovery Plan escrito por Susan Blum se publicó el martes, 2 de abril de 2013 en la categoría Salud, mente y cuerpo. Un total de 84 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the immune system recovery plan (8.18 MB)

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