Reseña de Breaking the Spanish Barrier Level 3

John Conner & Cathy Folts

Breaking the Spanish Barrier Level 3 de John Conner & Cathy Folts Resumen del Libro

Breaking the Spanish Barrier is part of the acclaimed language series that engages students of all levels, giving them all the tools needed to find success on the path to fluency.  First published in 1997, this series is now used throughout the country in high schools, colleges, and middle schools as well as by homeschool families and adult learners. 
Vocabulary, grammar, and cultural information are presented in this new Breaking the Barrier iPad version in a way that can only be called revolutionary.

All chapters begin with colorful photos and maps of Spanish-speaking countries, important cultural facts about each, as well as biographical information and pictures of famous people.  Targeted vocabulary comes to life with the touch of the screen where a picture emerges and a native speaker pronounces the new word; all exercises throughout the book are interactive – a touch of the button shows a student immediately if an answer is right or wrong. Crystal-clear audio recorded by native speakers gives students the chance to answer questions and then compare with those of the experts. Students can work at their own pace by hitting a pause button or by playing a clip again.  The controls are intuitive and easy!  Flashcards are built-in for all new vocabulary in each chapter. Students can take notes in the book itself, highlighting words and making their own note cards.

In this Level III book, ideal for advanced students (including AP students and those preparing for SAT Subject Tests), all important grammar of the Spanish language is presented (present, preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, compound tenses, subjunctive mood) along with the classic grammatical structures.  Hundreds of exercises reinforce the amazing explanations offered by one of the country’s leading language teachers.  As a special feature, all even chapters feature a cultural article, complete with comprehension questions, professional recordings of the article, music, and video sequences.  

Combining the brilliant instructional features of the iPad with the winning approach developed by acclaimed teacher John Conner, dean of faculty at Groton School and former member of the Spanish AP Test Development Committee, this groundbreaking iPad version of the series is just what any language learner needs to excel. 

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Nombre del libro Breaking the Spanish Barrier Level 3
Género Estudios de la lengua española
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.55 GB

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Descarga de Breaking the Spanish Barrier Level 3 E-Book

El libro Breaking the Spanish Barrier Level 3 escrito por John Conner & Cathy Folts se publicó el miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015 en la categoría Estudios de la lengua española. Un total de 8 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico breaking the spanish barrier level 3 (1.55 GB)

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