Reseña de Carry the One

Carol Anshaw

Carry the One de Carol Anshaw Resumen del Libro

'Here's passion and addiction, guilt and damage, all the beautiful mess of family life. Carry the Onewill lift readers off their feet and bear them along on its eloquent tide' Emma Donoghue

In the early hours of the morning, following a wedding reception, a car filled with stoned, drunk and sleepy guests accidentally hits and kills a girl on a dark country road. For the next twenty-five years, the lives of those involved are subtly shaped by this tragic moment.

Through friendships and love affairs, marriage and divorce, parenthood, addiction, and the modest calamities and triumphs of ordinary days, Carry the One shows how one life affects another and how those who thrive and those who self-destruct are closer to each other than we'd expect.

'Her deftly episodic novel of love, time and off-beat family life is warm, generous and wise. An enormously engaging novel' Daily Mail

'Carry The Oneis a finely crafted novel, full of phrases you want to cut out and keep, and characters you think you know. It is delicate in its touch, yet huge in its reach' Observer

'Superb . . . Anshaw sees her characters with startling clarity and no small helping of warmth and humour . . . Anshaw's writing [is] subtle, bemused, kind and smart, she nails moment after moment . . .Carry The Oneis a marvellous novel, grown-up, smart and emotionally intelligent about people who, like the rest of us, try but mostly fail to keep their ducks in a row' Patrick Ness, Guardian

'A tender tale of what happens to ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances' Marie Claire

'A funny, vivid and pingingly true story about longing and the pain of love. Anshaw conveys beefy emotions and life-changing events with the most gossamer of touches' Rachel Johnson, Vogue

'If you love Jonathan Franzen, you'll love this compelling book' Entertainment Weekly

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Nombre del libro Carry the One
Género Ficción literaria
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 973.62 KB

Carry the One (Carol Anshaw) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Carry the One, libro de Carol Anshaw

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Descarga de Carry the One E-Book

El libro Carry the One escrito por Carol Anshaw se publicó el jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012 en la categoría Ficción literaria. Un total de 46 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico carry the one (973.62 KB)

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