Reseña de The First Person and Other Stories

Ali Smith

The First Person and Other Stories de Ali Smith Resumen del Libro

A form-bending and endlessly inventive collection of short stories - from the MAN BOOKER PRIZE-SHORTLISTED and WOMEN'S PRIZE-WINNING author of How to be both and the critically acclaimed Seasonal quartet

'A glorious collection that celebrates and subverts the short story form' Independent

'Hurrah for Ali Smith. The best short-story writers make it look as easy as making a cup of tea. Ali Smith is one of these... A bold and brilliant collection of stories by a writer unafraid to give it to us as it is' The Times

A middle-aged woman conducts a poignant conversation with her gauche fourteen-year-old self. An innocent supermarket shopper finds in her trolley a foul-mouthed, insulting and beautiful child. Challenging the boundaries between fiction and reality, we see a narrator, 'Ali', as she drinks tea, phones a friend and muses on the relationship between the short story and a nymph.

Innovative, sophisticated and intelligent, The First Person and Other Stories effortlessly appeals to our hearts, heads and funny bones in equal measure. One-of-a-kind Ali Smith and the short story are made for each other.

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Nombre del libro The First Person and Other Stories
Género Relatos
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 475.25 KB

The First Person and Other Stories (Ali Smith) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The First Person and Other Stories E-Book

El libro The First Person and Other Stories escrito por Ali Smith se publicó el jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012 en la categoría Relatos. Un total de 80 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the first person and other stories (475.25 KB)

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