Reseña de The Darts of Cupid

Edith Templeton

The Darts of Cupid de Edith Templeton Resumen del Libro

The highly-acclaimed short story collection by the author of Gordon, the erotic novel banned for indecency in 1966

In The Darts of Cupid, Edith Templeton gives a sweeping and intimate exposé of her century and the lives of the women who lived in it. The unforgettable title story was celebrated upon its original publication in The New Yorker for its explicit portrayal of the relationship between a young British woman and her American superior in a provincial war office during World War II - a love affair that lasted only two nights but changed the narrator's life forever, and is still haunting today. Other stories take us from the tumbledown glamour of a Bohemian castle between the wars to an apartment on the coast of Italy in the 1990s, where a rich widow's decision to sell her husband's prized silver becomes a bewitching tale of longing.

Whatever the period, Templeton addresses the truth about female passion with a forthright gaze that is rare for any age.

'[Templeton's stories] make the flesh tingle' Observer

'Templeton's characters are not passive or self-doubting. Their pleasure in sexual submission is a mark of their toughness: they can take what their men give them' The New York Times

'Dark, compelling and invigoratingly unsettling' Sunday Times

Edith Templeton was born in Prague in 1916 and spent much of her childhood in a castle in the Bohemian countryside. Her short stories began to appear in The New Yorker in the 1950s and caused a major stir because of their sexual explicitness (these stories are available in one volume entitled The Darts of Cupid as a Penguin ebook). Gordon first appeared in 1966 under the pseudonym Louise Walbrook and was subsequently banned in England and Germany; it was then pirated around the world, appearing under various titles. In 2001, Edith Templeton agreed to publish the novel, with its original title, under her own name. She died in 2006.

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Descarga de The Darts of Cupid E-Book

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