Reseña de iLook, iThink, iSpeak - English Practice - vol. 1

Robert Hextall, Pablo Ruiz, Darren Kurien & John Hird

iLook, iThink, iSpeak - English Practice - vol. 1 de Robert Hextall, Pablo Ruiz, Darren Kurien & John Hird Resumen del Libro

This book is for both learners (B1 and higher) and trainers of English (EFL/ESL).

15 units of great reading, listening and speaking practice using beautiful photos, stimulating texts, audios with different accents, and extra activities. Plus a specially written glossary that explains the essential vocabulary. And it's all included in the download - there's no need to connect to the internet! (unless you want to consult one of the links provided for more information and discussion of course!)

As a learner it will help you:
- increase your vocabulary
- improve your reading
- practice your listening and pronunciation 
- gain confidence when speaking
- practice your writing

As a trainer it will provide you with hours of stimulating lessons that cover all aspects of English learning needs. The third page of each unit contains further activities that promote even more speaking practice.

iLook, iThink, iSpeak, a book for practising English that you'll talk about with your family and friends!

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Nombre del libro iLook, iThink, iSpeak - English Practice - vol. 1
Género Lenguas extranjeras
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 145.88 MB

iLook, iThink, iSpeak - English Practice - vol. 1 (Robert Hextall, Pablo Ruiz, Darren Kurien & John Hird) Análisis y Personajes

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Excellent resource for English teachers & learners. There are hours & hours of materials for the busy teacher to use in class in this iBook. Reading texts, listenings, conversation starters and loads of photos. Seems like it is ideal for One2One conversation classes but I am going to use it in small groups as well. Interesting topics. Recommended.

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Comentario de iLook, iThink, iSpeak - English Practice - vol. 1, libro de Robert Hextall, Pablo Ruiz, Darren Kurien & John Hird

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Descarga de iLook, iThink, iSpeak - English Practice - vol. 1 E-Book

El libro iLook, iThink, iSpeak - English Practice - vol. 1 escrito por Robert Hextall, Pablo Ruiz, Darren Kurien & John Hird se publicó el jueves, 24 de enero de 2013 en la categoría Lenguas extranjeras. Un total de 67 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 5 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico ilook, ithink, ispeak - english practice - vol. 1 (145.88 MB)

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