Reseña de Artful

Ali Smith

Artful de Ali Smith Resumen del Libro

A playful, form-bending novel from the Booker Prize-shortlisted, Women's Prize-winning author of How to be both and the critically acclaimed Seasonal quartet

'Playful and audacious' Independent

Narrated by a character who is haunted - literally - by a former lover, Artful slips slyly between fiction and essay, guiding the reader thrillingly through a sequence of ideas on art and literature. With Smith's trademark humour, inventiveness, poignancy and critical insight, this is unique experiment in form, style, life, love, death, immortality and what art can mean.

Based on four electrifying lectures given by the author at Oxford University, and exploring the explosive connections between art, story, memory and grief - Artful is a tidal wave of ideas to blast away the cobwebs and change how you see the world.


'Artful is a revelation; a new kind of book altogether . . . makes you glad to be alive' Jackie Kay

'Powerful and moving' London Review of Books

'Blending of criticism and fiction, Artful belongs in a genre of its own . . . Joyful for anyone interested in the art of writing, and living, well' Anita Sethi, New Statesman

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Nombre del libro Artful
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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 6.68 MB

Artful (Ali Smith) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Artful, libro de Ali Smith

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Descarga de Artful E-Book

El libro Artful escrito por Ali Smith se publicó el jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012 en la categoría Ensayos. Un total de 12 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico artful (6.68 MB)

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