Reseña de Heiress Without a Cause

Sara Ramsey

Heiress Without a Cause de Sara Ramsey Resumen del Libro

One title to change his life…

A disgraced son with a dark reputation, William Ferguson Avenel is content to live in exile in Scotland - until his father dies in the scandal of the Season, making him the new Duke of Rothwell and leaving him in charge of his young sisters. With rumors of insanity swirling around their family, the girls desperately need a chaperone. And he thinks he's found the lady for the job... until Rothwell discovers her dangerous secret life.

One chance to break the rules...

Lady Madeleine Vaillant may be the perfect chaperone, but she can't face her blighted future without making one glorious memory for herself. In disguise, on a London stage, she finds all the adoration she never felt from the ton. But when she's nearly recognized, she will do anything to hide her identity - even making a devil’s bargain with Rothwell, who saves her from discovery by claiming her as his mistress. She'll take the pleasure he offers - but Madeleine won't lose her heart in the bargain.

One season to fall in love...

Every stolen kiss could lead to discovery, and Rothwell's old enemies are determined to ruin them both. But as their dangerous passion ignites their hearts and threatens their futures, how can an heiress who dreams of freedom deny the duke who demands her love?


Series: Muses of Mayfair #1
Next Book: Scotsmen Prefer Blondes, Muses of Mayfair #2 - available now!
Genre: Regency Historical
Setting: London, 1812
Length: 94,000 words (full-length novel)
You may like this if you like: women in disguise, actresses, dukes, reformed rakes, female friendships, girls with secret artistic passions, and guys who aren't afraid to say they're in love

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Nombre del libro Heiress Without a Cause
Género Romance de temática histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.76 MB

Heiress Without a Cause (Sara Ramsey) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Heiress Without a Cause E-Book

El libro Heiress Without a Cause escrito por Sara Ramsey se publicó el lunes, 23 de enero de 2012 en la categoría Romance de temática histórica. Un total de 98 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico heiress without a cause (1.76 MB)

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