Reseña de Humorous Ghost Stories

Oscar Wilde, Gelett Burgess, Ellis Parker Butler, Frank R. Stockton, Théophile Gautier, Brander Matthews, John Kendrick Bangs, Anonymous, Richard Middleton, Wallace Irwin, Nelson Lloyd, Eden Phillpotts, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Will Adams, Washington Irving, Richard Barham, Burges Johnson, Elsie Brown & Rose Cecil O'Neill

Humorous Ghost Stories de Oscar Wilde, Gelett Burgess, Ellis Parker Butler, Frank R. Stockton, Théophile Gautier, Brander Matthews, John Kendrick Bangs, Anonymous, Richard Middleton, Wallace Irwin, Nelson Lloyd, Eden Phillpotts, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Will Adams, Washington Irving, Richard Barham, Burges Johnson, Elsie Brown & Rose Cecil O'Neill Resumen del Libro


The Canterville Ghost
By Oscar Wilde

The Ghost-Extinguisher
By Gelett Burgess

“Dey Ain't No Ghosts”
By Ellis Parker Butler

The Transferred Ghost
By Frank R. Stockton

The Mummy's Foot
By Théophile Gautier

The Rival Ghosts
By Brander Matthews

The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall
By John Kendrick Bangs

Back from that Bourne

The Ghost-Ship
By Richard Middleton

The Transplanted Ghost
By Wallace Irwin

The Last Ghost in Harmony
By Nelson Lloyd

The Ghost of Miser Brimpson
By Eden Phillpotts

The Haunted Photograph
By Ruth McEnery Stuart

The Ghost that Got the Button
By Will Adams

The Specter Bridegroom
By Washington Irving

The Specter of Tappington
Compiled by Richard Barham

In the Barn
By Burges Johnson

A Shady Plot
By Elsie Brown

The Lady and the Ghost
By Rose Cecil O'Neill

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Humorous Ghost Stories (Oscar Wilde, Gelett Burgess, Ellis Parker Butler, Frank R. Stockton, Théophile Gautier, Brander Matthews, John Kendrick Bangs, Anonymous, Richard Middleton, Wallace Irwin, Nelson Lloyd, Eden Phillpotts, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Will Adams, Washington Irving, Richard Barham, Burges Johnson, Elsie Brown & Rose Cecil O'Neill) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Humorous Ghost Stories, libro de Oscar Wilde, Gelett Burgess, Ellis Parker Butler, Frank R. Stockton, Théophile Gautier, Brander Matthews, John Kendrick Bangs, Anonymous, Richard Middleton, Wallace Irwin, Nelson Lloyd, Eden Phillpotts, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Will Adams, Washington Irving, Richard Barham, Burges Johnson, Elsie Brown & Rose Cecil O'Neill

¿Ya leíste este libro? ¿Qué opinas del libro Humorous Ghost Stories de Oscar Wilde, Gelett Burgess, Ellis Parker Butler, Frank R. Stockton, Théophile Gautier, Brander Matthews, John Kendrick Bangs, Anonymous, Richard Middleton, Wallace Irwin, Nelson Lloyd, Eden Phillpotts, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Will Adams, Washington Irving, Richard Barham, Burges Johnson, Elsie Brown & Rose Cecil O'Neill? ¡Haga una pregunta a la comunidad de sobre Humorous Ghost Stories!

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Descarga de Humorous Ghost Stories E-Book

El libro Humorous Ghost Stories escrito por Oscar Wilde, Gelett Burgess, Ellis Parker Butler, Frank R. Stockton, Théophile Gautier, Brander Matthews, John Kendrick Bangs, Anonymous, Richard Middleton, Wallace Irwin, Nelson Lloyd, Eden Phillpotts, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Will Adams, Washington Irving, Richard Barham, Burges Johnson, Elsie Brown & Rose Cecil O'Neill se publicó el lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012 en la categoría Humor. Un total de 110 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico humorous ghost stories (11.54 MB)

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