Reseña de Generative Art with Scribble

Aidan Lane, Bernd Meyer & Jonathan Mullins

Generative Art with Scribble de Aidan Lane, Bernd Meyer & Jonathan Mullins Resumen del Libro

"Generative Art with Scribble" provides a project-based hands-on introduction to programming that we hope you will enjoy as much as we enjoyed developing it. This book, and the series to which it belongs, were born from the conviction that your first steps in programming can be easy and exciting rather than dull and difficult.
It is for you if:
• you are looking for a fun and enjoyable introduction to programming
• you are a teacher looking for classroom materials to teach an engaging introduction to computing
• you are interested in the fundamentals of programming, but concerned about the technical complexity of most programming languages
• you want to understand programming, but are worried that it is too hard (it isn't!)
• you want to get a feeling for what computer art is about
We use a project-based approach that takes you on a guided tour of discovering the principles of programming. The book contains a series of video tutorials that lead you through increasingly challenging computer arts projects and teach you the knowledge required to master these. Interactive online forums tied into the book enable you to collaborate with other students world-wide.

Instead of viewing an artwork just as a final (static) product, we focus on the process that creates it, and then automate it. Can a picture that is produced programmatically be art? You be the judge… and the artist! Along the way you will discover the fundamentals of programming. 

Unlike most programming introductions that use overwhelmingly complex industrial strength programming languages, such as Java, C, or Python, we use the special educational programming language BYOB. This instead allows you to focus fully on the fundamental conceptual aspects of programming.
To read more about the three books in this series and to obtain the software that you will need to undertake the projects in this book, please visit The materials in these books are currently in use at a number of schools and universities throughout Australia.
If you like the idea of a project-based introduction to programming but prefer projects in simulation, have a look at the companion volume "Simulation with Cellular". If your interest lies in robotics, try "Robotics with Enchanting". You can start your journey into programming with any of the books in this series.

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Nombre del libro Generative Art with Scribble
Género Programación
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 462.94 MB

Generative Art with Scribble (Aidan Lane, Bernd Meyer & Jonathan Mullins) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Generative Art with Scribble, libro de Aidan Lane, Bernd Meyer & Jonathan Mullins

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Descarga de Generative Art with Scribble E-Book

El libro Generative Art with Scribble escrito por Aidan Lane, Bernd Meyer & Jonathan Mullins se publicó el lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012 en la categoría Programación. Un total de 38 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico generative art with scribble (462.94 MB)

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