Reseña de Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3

Camilla Läckberg

Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3 de Camilla Läckberg Resumen del Libro

The first three crime thrillers from worldwide 10 million-copy bestseller Camilla Lackberg, ‘the hottest female writer in Sweden’(Independent).

The Ice Princess: The body of crime writer Erica Falck’s childhood friend is discovered, wrists slashed, in an ice cold bath. Was it murder or suicide? The investigation leads her to a community on the brink of tragedy.

The Preacher: Twenty years ago, two young women disappeared in Fjällbacka – now their remains are found, along with a new victim. As Patrik Hedström works to solve these murders, do the dark secrets of a local family hold the key?

The Stonecutter: When a little girl is found in a fisherman’s net, the police realize it was no accidental drowning. Patrik Hedström investigates the death of a child both he and Erica knew well.


‘Scandinavian crime with a warm heart to melt the ice’ Val McDermid

‘Chilling and thrilling’ Sun

‘A top-class Scandinavian crime writer’ The Times

‘The hottest female writer in Sweden’ Independent

‘Expert at mixing scenes of domestic cosiness with blood-curdling horror’ Guardian

About the author

Camilla Lackberg is a worldwide bestseller renowned for her brilliant contemporary psychological thrillers. Her novels have sold over 20 million copies in 55 countries with translations into 37 languages.

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Nombre del libro Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3
Género Policiacas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 7.21 MB

Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3 (Camilla Läckberg) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3 E-Book

El libro Camilla Lackberg Crime Thrillers 1-3 escrito por Camilla Läckberg se publicó el jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012 en la categoría Policiacas. Un total de 146 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico camilla lackberg crime thrillers 1-3 (7.21 MB)

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