Reseña de The Sheep Heart and Lungs

Phillip Cox & Robert Klein

The Sheep Heart and Lungs de Phillip Cox & Robert Klein Resumen del Libro

The crossroads of education and innovation meet in the fictional town of Croakinville. The professor and the staff at the 3D Lab have created highly interactive learning modules called WARTs (Widgets Aimed @ Revolutionizing Teaching). These units feature rotatable images by Techtol Imaging that enhance the learning experience. WARTs also include photo galleries, videos, quizzes, challenges and much more; making learning both productive and engaging.
The Sheep Heart and Lungs, An Interactive 3D Dissection is a WART that includes external and internal heart and lung anatomy, interactive rotatable images, reviews, galleries and audios. Join the professor, students and residents and become part of the Croakinville Learning Community, exploring the wonders of the cardiopulmonary system. See you in the 3D Lab.

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Nombre del libro The Sheep Heart and Lungs
Género Biología
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 107.56 MB

The Sheep Heart and Lungs (Phillip Cox & Robert Klein) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de The Sheep Heart and Lungs, libro de Phillip Cox & Robert Klein

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Descarga de The Sheep Heart and Lungs E-Book

El libro The Sheep Heart and Lungs escrito por Phillip Cox & Robert Klein se publicó el sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013 en la categoría Biología. Un total de 130 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the sheep heart and lungs (107.56 MB)

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