Reseña de Do-It-Yourself Lifetime Financial Planning

Lawrence J. Russell

Do-It-Yourself Lifetime Financial Planning de Lawrence J. Russell Resumen del Libro

New Edition - November 2013
Millions of people want to improve their personal finance and investing practices. Many are confused and frustrated, because they do not have the knowledge and tools that they need to plan their financial futures efficiently and optimally. Addressing these problems, this book provides objective, extensive, and well-researched personal financial planning information. It will help you to get moving along your own path toward better lifetime and retirement financial planning and investing.

The author holds a BS from MIT (1975), an MA from Brandeis University (1979), and an MBA from Stanford University (1982) and is the Managing Director of an independent California Registered Investment Adviser firm.

The author's knowledge of personal financial planning and investing has been developed through:
* management of Lawrence J. Russell and Company, a California Registered Investment Adviser, where the author develops comprehensive lifetime financial and investment plans exclusively on a direct client-paid fee-only basis
* studying the finance research literature in depth for the past 10+ years to find evidence of which financial planning and investment strategies work and which do not
* design and development of VeriPlan, which is comprehensive financial planning software that supports do-it-yourself development of lifetime financial and retirement plans
* twenty-five years of prior corporate and start-up management experience in the business development, product management, financial planning, corporate development, and investment functions, including seven years with Hewlett-Packard and seven years with Sun Microsystems

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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.69 MB

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Descarga de Do-It-Yourself Lifetime Financial Planning E-Book

El libro Do-It-Yourself Lifetime Financial Planning escrito por Lawrence J. Russell se publicó el jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012 en la categoría Finanzas personales. Un total de 194 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico do-it-yourself lifetime financial planning (1.69 MB)

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