Reseña de Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters

Kim Merrill

Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters de Kim Merrill Resumen del Libro

Jessie Stern's life has taken a turn to the weird. It started out great. On her 13th birthday she discovered she was going on a scientific expedition with her dad to document the death of a star and rescue the priestess that waits for them on the planet Shilona. But before they even leave Earth Jessie is chased by beings she never thought existed – the Time Shifters – a race that can control time. She learns she has a mission to stop the Time Shifters from killing the priestess. She also learns that the Time Shifters will kill anyone who gets in their way. In the mists of the danger that surrounds her Jessie learns the power of knowledge and the importance of family. Along with her cousin Daniel, Jessie tries to stop the Time Shifters before they stop her.

Jessie Sterns and the Time Shifters is an action packed mix of science fiction and science fact. The reader even has a chance to "learn more about" the science facts with a glossary and hyperlinks to other sites. This is a great book for science fiction fans and science lovers alike. It is an entertaining way for children, youths, and even adults to learn science facts in the classroom, in the home school, or just for fun.

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Nombre del libro Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters
Género Ficción de acción y aventura para niños
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 155.23 KB

Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters (Kim Merrill) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters E-Book

El libro Jessie Stern and the Time Shifters escrito por Kim Merrill se publicó el martes, 1 de enero de 2013 en la categoría Ficción de acción y aventura para niños. Un total de 102 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico jessie stern and the time shifters (155.23 KB)

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