Reseña de BlackMoon Beginnings

Kaitlyn Hoyt

BlackMoon Beginnings de Kaitlyn Hoyt Resumen del Libro

Sometimes, the Fates have other plans in mind.

Ryanne Arden was on track to becoming Stormfield High School’s Valedictorian. Being the shy, studious type, she’d always done her own thing. That all changed with a drunk driver. With the death of her mother, Ryanne became more alone than she’d ever been. With no friends or family to turn to, a local woman named Jane offered to help Ryanne in her time of need.

A visit to the local bookstore changed Ryanne’s life forever. That’s where she met Colton Wagner, who awoke something in Ryanne she didn’t know she had. Being the only non-mage to ever gain magic, paints a target on Ryanne’s back for it has been prophesized that a non-mage female would end the chaos created by rogue mages, the Gadramicks. Dravin, their manipulative leader, will do anything within his power to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled.

Finding out that she's an intricate part to ending a prophesized war, Ryanne has the weight of all mages on her shoulders. With the help of Colton and his family, along with a healer, a dream-walker, and a loud-mouthed mage, Ryanne sets out on the journey of a lifetime.

BlackMoon Beginnings is part one in the five-part Prophesized Series.

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Nombre del libro BlackMoon Beginnings
Género Romance paranormal
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 623.41 KB

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Descarga de BlackMoon Beginnings E-Book

El libro BlackMoon Beginnings escrito por Kaitlyn Hoyt se publicó el sábado, 16 de febrero de 2013 en la categoría Romance paranormal. Un total de 36 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico blackmoon beginnings (623.41 KB)

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