Reseña de Knotted Roots

Ruthi Kight

Knotted Roots de Ruthi Kight Resumen del Libro

Partying with friends and scoring a flawless tan is about all Roxie has on her list of things to make her Hampton's summer perfect.
Her parents, however, have other plans and Grandma Betty's farm is just one of them.
Just as her life is in shambles and the quaint town is suffocating her, she meets Chase.
Somewhere in the mix of bummer summer and small town doldrums, he becomes the boy she can't seem to avoid falling for. Just adding him to the picture, her stay starts to get better, even if she knows it has to end with the summer holidays.
That is until Betty drops a life-shattering bomb.
Roxie must make a choice that will change her life forever. What happens when a spoiled brat from New York learns the true meaning of love, loss, and forgiveness?
Can Chase and Roxie find a way to be together or is this just another summer romance?

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Nombre del libro Knotted Roots
Género Romance para jóvenes
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 336.01 KB

Knotted Roots (Ruthi Kight) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Knotted Roots E-Book

El libro Knotted Roots escrito por Ruthi Kight se publicó el sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013 en la categoría Romance para jóvenes. Un total de 82 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico knotted roots (336.01 KB)

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