Reseña de Demon Dentist

David Walliams

Demon Dentist de David Walliams Resumen del Libro

The jaw-achingly funny novel from David Walliams, the number one bestselling author! Make your appointment if you dare…

Darkness had come to the town. Strange things were happening in the dead of night. Children would put a tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy, but in the morning they would wake up to find… a dead slug; a live spider; hundreds of earwigs creeping and crawling beneath their pillow.
Evil was at work. But who or what was behind it…?

Read this book and find out!


"Unlike other celebrity authors, Walliams can write; his energetic fairytale will be relished" – The Times

“The joy of David’s books are that he completely understands how children think and feel and is never ever patronising” – The Sun

“David Walliams has become a formidable force in the world of children's literature” – The Sun

“Further proof that Walliams has become a master storyteller” "Walliams manages to infuse his novels with genuine wit and sly commentary" – Heat Magazine

"Comedian David Walliams has taken the publishing world by storm" – The Metro

About the author

David Walliams has revolutionised reading for children and has become one of the most influential children’s writers today. Since the publication of his ground-breaking first novel, The Boy in the Dress (2008), Walliams has seen unprecedented growth with global sales exceeding 45 million copies, and his books translated into 55 languages. Collectively across his titles, David has celebrated 70 weeks (non-consecutive) at number one in the overall book charts and more than 200 weeks (non-consecutive) at number one in the Children’s charts – an achievement no other children’s writer has reached.
Born in London, Tony Ross went to art school in Liverpool. His cartoons have appeared in famous publications the world over. His first book, Hugo and the Wicked Winter, was published in 1972. Tony has since written over 100 books and illustrated over 2000!

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Nombre del libro Demon Dentist
Género Ficción para niños
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 19.32 MB

Demon Dentist (David Walliams) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Demon Dentist E-Book

El libro Demon Dentist escrito por David Walliams se publicó el jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013 en la categoría Ficción para niños. Un total de 166 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico demon dentist (19.32 MB)

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