Reseña de Everyone Here is Lying

Shari Lapena

Everyone Here is Lying de Shari Lapena Resumen del Libro

'The most addictive book I've read in ages - so slick and disquieting and clever. Just brilliant.'

'I was obsessed with Everyone Here is Lying . . . Fast paced, tightly-plotted and with twists so well executed they floored me. Loved every word!'

The gripping new thriller from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR

Welcome to Stanhope - a safe neighbourhood. A place for families.

William Wooler is a family man, on the surface. But he's been having an affair, an affair that ended horribly this afternoon at a motel up the road. So when he returns to his house, devastated and angry, to find his difficult nine-year-old daughter Avery unexpectedly home from school, William loses his temper.

Hours later, Avery's family declares her missing.

Suddenly Stanhope doesn't feel so safe. And William isn't the only one on his street who's hiding a lie. As witnesses come forward with information that may or may not be true, Avery's neighbours become increasingly unhinged.

Who took Avery Wooler?

Nothing will prepare you for the truth.


Praise for Everyone Here is Lying:

'Shari Lapena is a modern master of the psychological thriller, and all of her considerable talents are at work in Everyone Here Is Lying.' Steve Cavanagh
'A taut, clever, chilling ride of manipulation and family secrets . . . Prepare to be consumed!' Ashley Audrain
'Shari Lapena is the queen of the "just one more chapter" read. A chilling exploration of the worst-case repercussions and extensive fallout of a brief affair.' Sarah Vaughan
'I inhaled Everyone Here Is Lying. The pace never flags, the twists are fiendishly clever, and the writing is as perfect as can be.' Liz Nugent
'Genius. I loved it.' Andrea Mara
'You simply can't put it down' Robert Gold
'I defy you to put it down until you know what happened to Avery Wooler' Gilly Macmillan
'Shari Lapena is an expert in both pace and the placing of clues and misdirections' Literary Review
'A fast-paced read with jaw-dropping twists' The i

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Nombre del libro Everyone Here is Lying
Género Misterio y suspense
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 6.81 MB

Everyone Here is Lying (Shari Lapena) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Everyone Here is Lying E-Book

El libro Everyone Here is Lying escrito por Shari Lapena se publicó el jueves, 6 de julio de 2023 en la categoría Misterio y suspense. Un total de 184 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico everyone here is lying (6.81 MB)

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