Reseña de Robin Sharma The 5AM Club


Robin Sharma The 5AM Club de Turbo-Learning Resumen del Libro

A Comprehensive Book Review of The 5AM Club The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life has a worldwide following as a life-changing book. Written by Robin Sharma, who based the book on the methods he has been teaching to celebrated entrepreneurs, CEOs of famous companies, sports superstars, music icons and members of royalty—with extraordinary success—for over twenty years. The key message of The 5 AM Club is that the first part of your day is the most important. The early morning hours of solitude and serenity, when everyone else is sleeping, make leaders. With almost zero distractions, this is the perfect time to expand your creativity and productivity. Robin Sharma had used a story of a devastated entrepreneur, a struggling artist, and a generous billionaire to convey his message. The three of them meet at a self-improvement conference, from where the billionaire takes the other two on a journey of a lifetime. He teaches them different lessons on being a leader and having a meaningful life. You can follow them at each step, apply each experience to your own life, and become a member of the 5 AM club. Anyone can become a leader if he works for it. We all have heroes inside us. We only need to discover our primal powers, and we can create magic in our lives. From 5:00–6:00 AM is what Robin calls ‘The Victory Hour. Dividing this hour into three intervals of 20 minutes, each according to the 20/20/20 formula, will give you time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth. There are many other formulas and learning models which will help the 5 AM club members in utilizing their entire day. Once you follow these models, you’ll be fascinated to find out how a straightforward habit of waking up as early as 5 AM has the power of changing your entire life. Here is a Preview of What You Will Get: ⁃ A Detailed Introduction ⁃ A Comprehensive Chapter by Chapter Book Review ⁃ Etc Get a copy of this book review and learn about the book.

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Nombre del libro Robin Sharma The 5AM Club
Género Gestión y liderazgo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 657.37 KB

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