Reseña de Secrets of Wycliffe Manor

Patricia Rice

Secrets of Wycliffe Manor de Patricia Rice Resumen del Libro

Be wary of what you wish for. . .
In Regency England:
The descendant of adventuring—dead—aristocrats, Clarissa Knightley supplements a modest inheritance by penning gothic novels that cost more than they earn. Upon learning that she has mysteriously inherited a share of an earl’s estate, she rashly packs up her household. In remote Gravesyde Priory, she hopes to find a safe haven and family who will welcome her and her young nephew.
Instead, she discovers a drunken American army captain, his African servant, and ancient, surly caretakers. Terrified, prepared to flee, Clare is lured to linger by the prospect of secret diaries, hidden jewels, and an increasingly intriguing man. Then a killer strikes.
The crumbling manor’s ominous and baffling history offers fascinating fodder for Clare’s horror novels—if only she can survive real-life madmen and a spectral murderer who may seek the jewels at any price.

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Descarga de Secrets of Wycliffe Manor E-Book

El libro Secrets of Wycliffe Manor escrito por Patricia Rice se publicó el martes, 11 de julio de 2023 en la categoría Histórica. Un total de 92 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico secrets of wycliffe manor (1.95 MB)

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