Reseña de Of Teaching, Learning and Sherbet Lemons

Nina Jackson & Ian Gilbert

Of Teaching, Learning and Sherbet Lemons de Nina Jackson & Ian Gilbert Resumen del Libro

Education is like a sherbet lemon: we need the structures and systems - the hard exterior - but we can easily lose sight of the magic that is at the heart of this; the teaching and learning - the fizz in the centre. Nina Jackson's mission in Of Teaching, Learning and Sherbet Lemons is to put the fizz back into classrooms by solving some of the toughest dilemmas facing teachers. You know the child in the class who never asks that burning question because they worry it might make them look silly, even if everyone else is thinking the same thing? Sometimes teachers can be like that child. And they don't know where to turn to get the answers. That is where Nina comes in. The teachers' questions in Of Teaching, Learning and Sherbet Lemons have been anonymised, but Nina's answers will resonate with teachers everywhere, offering support and practical advice. Nina doesn't have a magic wand but what she does have is years of experience, honesty and a commitment to help everyone be the best they can be. After all, second best just won't do! Whether you are wondering about difficulties and disagreements with colleagues, pushy parents, promotion and ambition or losing the love for teaching, Nina has plenty of tips and advice. There is wise guidance on what to do when learners keep shouting out, or chit-chatting, or won't say anything. Nina also shares her valuable insights into inclusion and learning differences including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, ADD and ADHD, stutters and stammers, as well as addressing the sensitive issues of bereavement and self-harm. Topi covered also include: learner engagement and motivation, group work, learning styles, spoon feeding, feedback, unveiling learners' skills and talents, music in the classroom, transition from primary to secondary school, digital leaders, action research, school councils and INSET days. Suitable for all teachers - from NQTs to experienced teachers - across all subject-specialisms and phases; from primary to higher education.

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Descarga de Of Teaching, Learning and Sherbet Lemons E-Book

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