Reseña de The Life Brief

Bonnie Wan

The Life Brief de Bonnie Wan Resumen del Libro

“If you want to be happier, you should write a Life Brief.” —Fast Company

“A brilliant companion on the road to more aliveness. This book is a wonderful invitation. Take it.” —Dave Evans #1 New York Times bestselling author of Designing Your Life

Life is a creative act. Let The Life Brief guide you to creating the life of your dreams.

We all have moments when we doubt the path we’re on. Is this the career for me? Am I in the right relationship? Is this as good as it gets? These questions can feel uncomfortable without a method for uncovering the answers.

Enter The Life Brief, a simple yet effective playbook for navigating life’s decisions, crossroads, and curve-balls. Modeled after the creative brief, a tool used by the most innovative companies in the world to unlock clarity and unleash action, The Life Brief carves a path for living with intention and imagination.

Designed by leading brand strategist Bonnie Wan, The Life Brief is a practice in three parts: The first phase, Get Messy, is a set of open-ended writing prompts that cut through limiting beliefs and false assumptions about what’s possible. The second phase, Get Clear, offers prompts for finding clarity around what you truly, deeply want. The third phase, Get Active, catapults you into the steps to making those desires a reality.

This is a practice for unpacking complexity with curiosity, shifting attention to drive action, and challenging the limiting beliefs that create friction in your life. This powerfully adaptive tool has transformed thousands of lives, from refining career paths to repairing relationships, rediscovering passion to cutting through overwhelm. Don’t let another moment pass you by. Discover The Life Brief and unlock your path today.

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Descarga de The Life Brief E-Book

El libro The Life Brief escrito por Bonnie Wan se publicó el martes, 16 de enero de 2024 en la categoría Autoayuda. Un total de 134 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the life brief (6.36 MB)

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