Reseña de The Book Swap

Tessa Bickers

The Book Swap de Tessa Bickers Resumen del Libro

Funny, heart-warming and romantic, The Book Swap is story of second chances and new beginnings. It is also a heartfelt love letter to books and the power of reading...


Still grieving the death of her best friend, Erin knows she needs to start living - but has no idea how.
Then she loses her favourite book, a heavily annotated copy of To Kill A Mockingbird containing her friend's last gift.


When James finds Erin's note-filled book in his local community bookshelf, it sparks a life-changing conversation. He writes his own message for her to find, inviting her to meet him in the margins of Great Expectations. As the book exchange continues, they both begin to open up . . . and perhaps fall in love.


But Erin and James have a shared history that neither of them has guessed. How will Erin react when she discovers that the other writer isn't a stranger at all - but the person she swore she'd never forgive?

Your favourite authors are loving The Book Swap:
'Catnip for any book geek' CESCA MAJOR
'It's You've Got Mail, but make it even more bookish' NIAMH HARGAN
'A gorgeous debut from tremendous Tessa Bickers' SALLY PHILLIPS
'What a gorgeous, life-affirming, bookishly beautiful novel this is!' CRESSIDA MCLAUGHLIN
'If you love books and you love love, you are going to adore The Book Swap' JULIE COHEN

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Nombre del libro The Book Swap
Género Romance
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Tamaño del e-libro 350 KB

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Descarga de The Book Swap E-Book

El libro The Book Swap escrito por Tessa Bickers se publicó el jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2024 en la categoría Romance. Un total de 92 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the book swap (350 KB)

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