Reseña de It Had to Be You

Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke

It Had to Be You de Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke Resumen del Libro

In the latest thrilling entry of the bestselling Under Suspicion series by Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke, television producer Laurie Moran investigates the unsolved murder of a beloved couple celebrating the college graduations of their successful twin sons.

The two identical brothers seemed perfect in every way—handsome, intelligent, popular—until a shocking summer night when one brother killed his parents in cold blood while the other brother had an iron-clad alibi. But which twin was where during the murders? And is it possible the two of them planned the perfect crime together?

Years later, the twins are long estranged, each of them claiming to be convinced that the other is responsible for the death of their parents. Married now with children of their own, they may finally be ready to clear one name at the expense of the other and turn to Laurie Moran and her team to reinvestigate their parents’ murder. But as the Under Suspicion crew gets closer to the truth, the danger that was assumed to be left in the past finds its way into the present.

Featuring chilling suspense, a cast of characters whom loyal readers have come to love, and a final jaw-dropping twist, It Had to Be You is not to be missed.

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Nombre del libro It Had to Be You
Género Misterio y suspense
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 8.18 MB

It Had to Be You (Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de It Had to Be You, libro de Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke

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Descarga de It Had to Be You E-Book

El libro It Had to Be You escrito por Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke se publicó el martes, 16 de abril de 2024 en la categoría Misterio y suspense. Un total de 192 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico it had to be you (8.18 MB)

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