Reseña de IBM System Storage DS5000 Series Hardware Guide

IBM Redbooks

IBM System Storage DS5000 Series Hardware Guide de IBM Redbooks Resumen del Libro

This IBM® Redbooks® publication consolidates, in one document, detailed descriptions of the hardware configurations and options offered as part of the IBM System Storage DS5000 families of products. This edition covers updates and additional functions available with the IBM System Storage DS® Storage Manager Version 10.77 (firmware level 7.77). This book presents the concepts and functions used in planning and managing the storage servers, such as multipathing and path failover. The book offers a step-by-step guide to using the Storage Manager to create arrays, logical drives, and other basic (as well as advanced) management tasks. This publication also contains practical information about diagnostics and troubleshooting, and includes practical examples of how to use scripts and the command-line interface. This publication is intended for customers, IBM Business Partners, and IBM technical professionals who want to learn more about the capabilities and advanced functions of the DS5000 series of storage servers with Storage Manager Software V10.77. It also targets those who have a DS5000 storage subsystem and need detailed advice about how to configure it. This book is designed specifically to address the hardware features and configuration of the IBM System Storage DS5000 family and can be used in conjunction with the following IBM Redbooks publications: IBM System Storage DS5000 Series Implementation and Best Practices Guide, SG24-8024 IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Copy Services Guide, SG24-7822

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Nombre del libro IBM System Storage DS5000 Series Hardware Guide
Género Administración de sistemas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 16.83 MB

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Descarga de IBM System Storage DS5000 Series Hardware Guide E-Book

El libro IBM System Storage DS5000 Series Hardware Guide escrito por IBM Redbooks se publicó el jueves, 10 de enero de 2013 en la categoría Administración de sistemas. Un total de 148 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico ibm system storage ds5000 series hardware guide (16.83 MB)

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