Reseña de Black Silk and Sympathy

Deborah Challinor

Black Silk and Sympathy de Deborah Challinor Resumen del Libro

A dazzling new series from bestselling historical fiction author Deborah Challinor, exploring the fascinating world of Victorian funeral customs and featuring Sydney's first female undertaker.

'Men have been undertakers for hundreds of years. Not women, men. You don't belong.'

Sydney, 1865. Seventeen-year-old Tatiana Caldwell travels from London to make a new life. Her path leads her to Crowe Funeral Services, where she apprentices under the tutelage of Titus Crowe, the enigmatic owner.

Tatty finds herself drawn to the fascinating conventions of the funeral trade - plumed horses and processions, mutes and mortuary trains, flowers and finery - as well as the more visceral new practice of embalming. Soon she marries, and after the sudden death of her husband, Titus, she becomes Sydney's first female undertaker.

Her hard-won stability is shattered when Elias Nuttall, a ruthless rival in the funeral trade, accuses Tatty of murdering her husband. Facing public scorn and legal peril, Tatty gathers an unlikely band of allies in a battle to clear her name.

Black Silk and Sympathy is a riveting and realistic journey through the front parlours and dark alleys of 1860s Sydney, from the Botanic Gardens in the morning to the cemetery at midnight.

'In this expertly crafted novel, Challinor delivers a captivating tale of resilience, reinvention and determination ... [with] a thrilling twist' Books+Publishing

Praise for Deborah Challinor:

'A master storyteller' Better Reading

'Perfectly blends fact and fiction' NZ Herald

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Nombre del libro Black Silk and Sympathy
Género Ficción histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 4.76 MB

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Descarga de Black Silk and Sympathy E-Book

El libro Black Silk and Sympathy escrito por Deborah Challinor se publicó el lunes, 1 de abril de 2024 en la categoría Ficción histórica. Un total de 154 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico black silk and sympathy (4.76 MB)

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