Reseña de Queen of Chaos

Amelia Hutchins

Queen of Chaos de Amelia Hutchins Resumen del Libro

From USA Today and WSJ Bestselling Author, Amelia Hutchins comes a tale of love, war, and betrayal.

A queen in chaos . . .

A kingdom left in ashes . . .

A fate that may turn to ruins . . .

A king who continually stokes her flames….

What’s a girl to do?

Some women rise from their ashes, Aria tends to be the one making the ashes nowadays.
Aria’s world is unraveling into utterly, beautiful chaos. Will she become the savior the Nine Realms need, or will she become the monster they’ve made?

Are you brave enough to enter the Nine Realms?

There’s a queen rising, and in chaos, she’ll reign.

A note from the publisher.

This book is a true enemy to lover’s tale. It deals with death and adversity. It is merciless, savage, and a view of how broken things overcome against inconceivable odds.
The steam between these two burns the pages.
Knox is savagery in motion. Aria is a chaotic beauty. So, what happens when brutality and beauty collide? Aria and Knox burn so hot together that they may very well leave the Nine Realms in nothing more than ashes.

“What an insane ride! Just when I thought the Nine Realms couldn’t get wilder, too! Amelia delivers an incredible story, full of violence, love, and angst!” Author of the Four Horsemen, Laura Thalassa.

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Nombre del libro Queen of Chaos
Género Fantasía épica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 681.22 KB

Queen of Chaos (Amelia Hutchins) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Queen of Chaos E-Book

El libro Queen of Chaos escrito por Amelia Hutchins se publicó el martes, 10 de octubre de 2023 en la categoría Fantasía épica. Un total de 184 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico queen of chaos (681.22 KB)

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