Reseña de The Love Dare

Abiola Bello

The Love Dare de Abiola Bello Resumen del Libro

Can a dare made at Notting Hill Carnival turn into true love? He’s All That meets How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days in this trope-filled sizzling summer romance, perfect for fans of Joya Goffney and Lynn Painter.
Popular girl Eva Òjó is used to boys falling for her without her even trying. So when her friend dares her to dance with a random guy at Notting Hill Carnival, she meets Saint.

Comic obsessed Saint Rowe-Falade thinks Eva is cute, but he's not interested in her in that way. He’d rather get lost in stories than look for romance.

When Eva’s birthday party gets out of control and causes damage to her dad’s beloved car, her friends set the ultimate dare: get Saint to take her on one date and they’ll help her pay to fix her dad’s car. Operation fall-in-love-with-Eva is set in motion and Eva makes it her mission to make Saint fall head over heels. But just as Saint starts to warm to Eva, and her own feelings towards him grow, Saint finds out about the dare. Can Eva convince Saint she’s truly into him, or has she lost him for good?


‘A screen-worthy holiday romance.’ Joya Goffney, author of Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry

‘Gorgeous writing, witty dialogue, a magical setting and two characters you'll fall head over heels for.’ Jennifer Niven, author of All the Bright Places
‘I devoured this delicious YA rom-com. A treat to read any time of year.’ Katherine Webber, author of Twin Crowns
‘A wonderfully warm love story.’ Candice Brathwaite, author of Cuts Both Ways

‘A warm and cosy read that pulls you into the perfect winter romance. Abiola has given us all a gift to swoon over.’ Benjamin Dean, author of The King is Dead

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Nombre del libro The Love Dare
Género Ficción para jóvenes
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 350 KB

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Descarga de The Love Dare E-Book

El libro The Love Dare escrito por Abiola Bello se publicó el jueves, 4 de julio de 2024 en la categoría Ficción para jóvenes. Un total de 118 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the love dare (350 KB)

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