Reseña de The Material

Camille Bordas

The Material de Camille Bordas Resumen del Libro

Can comedy be taught? Someone, at some point, seemed to think so.

The teachers and students at the Chicago Stand-Up school all know how to make people laugh - in theory. They know the line between sharp and cruel, that sad becomes funny at the right angle, and that any moment of your life is a punchline waiting to happen. They're all afraid of that. Artie may be too handsome for stand-up, Olivia reluctant to examine her own life, and Phil afraid to cause harm. Kruger concentrates more on commanding his father's respect than his students', Ashbee is too detached. And then we have Dorothy - the only woman on the faculty - who, though preparing to launch a comeback tour, can't tell whether she's too abiding, ambitious, or ambivalent. Will the arrival of visiting professor - the freshly cancelled comedian, Manny Reinhardt - help or harm their cause?

Riffing keenly across an array of perspectives, The Material examines life through the eyes of a band of outsiders bound together by whatever it is about themselves that makes them so desperate to make others laugh.

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Nombre del libro The Material
Género Ficción literaria
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 350 KB

The Material (Camille Bordas) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de The Material, libro de Camille Bordas

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Descarga de The Material E-Book

El libro The Material escrito por Camille Bordas se publicó el jueves, 4 de julio de 2024 en la categoría Ficción literaria. Un total de 2 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the material (350 KB)

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