Reseña de The Freedom Formula - Based On The Teachings Of Robin Sharma

Metabooks Library

The Freedom Formula - Based On The Teachings Of Robin Sharma de Metabooks Library Resumen del Libro




The Quest for Personal Mastery

The 5 AM Club: Awakening Your Inner Hero

The Freedom Mindset: Unleashing Your Potential

The Art of Fearless Leadership

The Rituals of World-Class Performers

The Heartset: Embracing Compassion and Connection

The Wealth of Time: Mastering Productivity

The Pursuit of True Wealth and Abundance

The Freedom of Giving: Impacting the World

Living a Life of Purpose and Legacy


This book is rooted in the profound teachings of Robin Sharma, a renowned authority in his field. It has been meticulously expanded upon to enhance comprehension and accessibility for a wider audience.

Through this expanded text, we endeavor to share the wealth of knowledge pioneered by Robin Sharma and inspire positive transformations in the lives of countless individuals. It is our hope that the insights contained within these pages will serve as a beacon of health and well-being for all who seek to embark on a journey towards a better, more vibrant existence.

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Tamaño del e-libro 175.48 KB

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