Reseña de Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll

Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll de Lewis Carroll Resumen del Libro

Lewis Carroll was a prominent author of the Victorian age, having not only written the Alice novels, but also varied works such as mathematical treatises, poetry and short stories. This comprehensive eBook presents Carroll’s complete fictional works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 4)

* Illustrated with hundreds of images relating to Carroll’s life and works
* Annotated with concise introductions to the novels and other works
* ALL the novels have their original Victorian illustrations – spend hours exploring the original Alice images and rarer images available nowhere else
* The original version of ALICE’S ADVENTURES UNDER GROUND, with Carroll’s unique illustrations
* Sir John Tenniel’s original illustrations for ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND
* Includes rare poetry collections available in no other eBook
* Special alphabetical list of poems
* Images of how the novels first appeared
* Carroll’s mathematical works
* Four biographies – explore Carroll’s fascinating life in detail!
* Ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Carroll’s diverse oeuvre
* UPDATED with improved texts, mathematical works and more images


The Novels
Alice’s Adventures Under Ground (1865)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Alice’s Adventures (1865)
Through the Looking-Glass (1871)
Sylvie and Bruno (1889)
Sylvie and Bruno Concluded (1893)

The Shorter Fiction
A Tangled Tale (1885)
Miscellaneous Short Fiction

The Poetry Collections
Early Verse
Prologues to Plays
College Rhymes and Notes by an Oxford Chiel (1868)
Phantasmagoria and Other Poems (1869)
Puzzles from Wonderland (1871)
The Hunting of the Snark (1874)
Three Sunsets and Other Poems (1898)
Acrostics, Inscriptions and Other Verses

The Poems
List of Poems in Chronological Order
List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

The Non-Fiction
Condensation of Determinants (1866)
The Alphabet Cipher (1868)
The Game of Logic (1887)
Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing (1890)
Symbolic Logic (1896)
Feeding the Mind (1907)

The Biographies
The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (1898) by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood
The Story of Lewis Carroll (1899) by Isa Bowman
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1901) by Edward Verrall Lucas
Lewis Carroll in Wonderland and at Home (1910) by Belle Moses

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Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (Lewis Carroll) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll E-Book

El libro Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll escrito por Lewis Carroll se publicó el lunes, 22 de julio de 2013 en la categoría Clásicos. Un total de 176 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico delphi complete works of lewis carroll (31.27 MB)

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