Reseña de Modern Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling

J. Christopher Westland

Modern Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling de J. Christopher Westland Resumen del Libro

This compact reference surveys the full range of available structural equation modeling (SEM) path analysis methodologies. Applications of path analysis with structural equation models have steadily expanded over a broad range of disciplines – especially in the social sciences where many if not most key concepts are not directly observable. This is the first book to present SEM development in historical context – essential to understand the application, strengths and weaknesses of each. Of great importance to social scientists is SEM’s ability to accommodate unobservable theory constructs through latent variables. Latent variable constructs are fully explained here, and new methods are presented for extending their power. Potent new techniques for path analysis are surveyed along with guidelines for data preparation, sample size calculation, and the special treatment of Likert scale data. Tables of software, methodologies and fit statistics provide a concise reference for any research program, helping assure that its conclusions are defensible and publishable.

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Descarga de Modern Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling E-Book

El libro Modern Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling escrito por J. Christopher Westland se publicó el martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013 en la categoría Matemáticas. Un total de 176 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico modern path analysis and structural equation modeling (5.71 MB)

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