Reseña de The Wall

Jen Minkman

The Wall de Jen Minkman Resumen del Libro

'I walk toward the sea. The endless surface of the water extends to the horizon, whichever way I look.
Our world is small. We're on our own, and we only have ourselves to depend on. We rely on the Force deep within us as taught to us by our forefathers. 
If I were to walk westward from here, I'd come across a barrier - the Wall. Behind it, there are Fools. At least, that's what everyone says. I've never seen one.'

Leia lives on an island where children leave their parents to take care of themselves when they're just ten years old. Across the island runs a Wall that no one has ever crossed. The Fools living behind it should be shunned because they believe in salvation from across the sea. That's what The Book says, the only thing left to the Eastern Islanders by their ancestors. 
But when a strange man washes ashore and Leia meets a Fool face to face, her life will never be the same again. Walt, the boy from the other side of the Wall, isn't as foolish as she was always led to believe. And as Leia and Walt set out to bring the truth about both their societies to light, all the things they once took for granted fall by the wayside.

Their island world is about to change... for better or for worse.

This is a series starter - the follow-up books are also available (The Deep, Beyond the Fence, Across the Sea). 

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Nombre del libro The Wall
Género Ficción distópica para jóvenes
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 402.09 KB

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El libro The Wall escrito por Jen Minkman se publicó el jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013 en la categoría Ficción distópica para jóvenes. Un total de 20 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the wall (402.09 KB)

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