Reseña de Interviews With the Masters

Robert Greene

Interviews With the Masters de Robert Greene Resumen del Libro

A companion to the #1 New York Times Bestseller Mastery

More than 20,000 hours of research and thought went into Robert Greene's stunning book, Mastery. In a departure from his previous works, Robert Greene interviewed nine contemporary masters, including tech guru Paul Graham, animal rights advocate Temple Grandin, and boxing trainer Freddie Roach, to get their perspective on their paths to greatness. Those interviews are now available to readers for the first time. Interviews with the Masters presents more than 700 pages of revealing insight directly from these contemporary Masters; from how they learn and think, to how they put it all together and create.

You’ll learn how

-Paul Graham used a hacker's mentality to create a programing language and a billion dollar portfolio.

-Santiago Calatrava combined the disciplines of art, architecture, and engineering to design revolutionary moving structures. 

-Daniel Everett solved the 300 year old mystery of the Pirahã language, forever changing the linguistics field and challenging Chomsky’s Universal Grammar theory.

-Freddie Roach's trademark techniques made him one of the most well-known boxing trainers in the world, guiding talents like world champion Manny Pacquiao and UFC Champion Georges St. Pierre.

-Yoky Matsuoka pioneered a new field called “neurobotics.”

-Cesar Rodriguez Jr. went from the bottom of his Air Force class to become the "Last 
American Ace.”

-Temple Grandin emerged from a chaotic childhood with autism to become a leader in animal sciences. 

-Teresita Fernández used her fascination with alchemy to design beautiful conceptual art.

-VS Ramachandran’s obsession with anomalies led to major discoveries that solved bizarre neurological syndromes like phantom limbs and body-identity disorders.

This companion to the #1 New York Times Bestseller Mastery is a playbook to the lives of today’s Masters that readers can use to guide them on their own path to Mastery.

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Descarga de Interviews With the Masters E-Book

El libro Interviews With the Masters escrito por Robert Greene se publicó el martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013 en la categoría Autoayuda. Un total de 122 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico interviews with the masters (648.67 KB)

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