Reseña de Cross Training Bible Reading Plan

Holy Cross Presbyterian Church (PCA)

Cross Training Bible Reading Plan de Holy Cross Presbyterian Church (PCA) Resumen del Libro

The private reading of Scripture, for those with access to them, has consistently been a part of Christian devotion throughout the history of the Church. It is also, because of our busyness, one of the first things that we leave behind. Here at Holy Cross we fully believe that we come to Know Christ in public worship and in private worship, which means reading and meditating on Scripture and prayer. 

The purpose of the Cross Training Bible Reading Plan is to assist in shaping that time for us. In the pages that follow you will find a Bible reading schedule for the entire year as well as an order for directed meditation and prayer for the week Monday through Saturday. The schedule we use is one of the many ESV schedules that take you through the Bible in a year. If you were to read every passage listed, in one year you will have read the entire Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice. 

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Nombre del libro Cross Training Bible Reading Plan
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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 4.86 MB

Cross Training Bible Reading Plan (Holy Cross Presbyterian Church (PCA)) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Cross Training Bible Reading Plan E-Book

El libro Cross Training Bible Reading Plan escrito por Holy Cross Presbyterian Church (PCA) se publicó el martes, 14 de enero de 2014 en la categoría Biblias. Un total de 168 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico cross training bible reading plan (4.86 MB)

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