Reseña de The Escort Books One and Two

Lucia Jordan

The Escort Books One and Two de Lucia Jordan Resumen del Libro

Presented for the first time as a Special Edition are Books One and Two of Lucia Jordan's Bestselling series, The Escort.

This delicious tale of erotic romance between Bea, an IT exec who is drawn into the seductive world of the ultra-rich by the two Wallace Brothers after she reluctantly decides to cover her flat mates appointment as their escort.

The two men are accustomed to getting what they want, and when the naive and inexperienced Bea shows up as their date for the evening, they begin a whirlwind relationship that will change her, and the two brothers, forever.

This ebook contains very hot and searing descriptions of erotic activity. This is one of Lucia's best and contains submissive training, MMF and a story you won't be able to put down.

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Nombre del libro The Escort Books One and Two
Género Romance erótico
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 472.99 KB

The Escort Books One and Two (Lucia Jordan) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de The Escort Books One and Two, libro de Lucia Jordan

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Descarga de The Escort Books One and Two E-Book

El libro The Escort Books One and Two escrito por Lucia Jordan se publicó el martes, 18 de febrero de 2014 en la categoría Romance erótico. Un total de 32 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the escort books one and two (472.99 KB)

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