Reseña de Surf Is Where You Find It

Gerry Lopez & Steve Pezman

Surf Is Where You Find It de Gerry Lopez & Steve Pezman Resumen del Libro

Written by one of the most revered surfers of his generation, Gerry Lopez's Surf Is Where You Find It is a collection of stories about a lifetime of surfing. But more than that, it is a collection of stories about the lessons learned from surfing. It presents 38 stories about those who have been influential in the sport — surfing anytime, anywhere, and in any way. Lopez, an innovator in stand-up-paddle (one of the fastest growing water sports in the world), now shares his stories about pioneering that sport. Conveyed in Gerry's unique voice, augmented with photos from his personal collection, this book is a classic for surf enthusiasts everywhere.

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Nombre del libro Surf Is Where You Find It
Género Deportes y vida al aire libre
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 8.5 MB

Surf Is Where You Find It (Gerry Lopez & Steve Pezman) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Surf Is Where You Find It E-Book

El libro Surf Is Where You Find It escrito por Gerry Lopez & Steve Pezman se publicó el domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013 en la categoría Deportes y vida al aire libre. Un total de 152 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico surf is where you find it (8.5 MB)

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