Reseña de An Excerpt from The Ocean at the End of the Lane

Neil Gaiman

An Excerpt from The Ocean at the End of the Lane de Neil Gaiman Resumen del Libro

"A novel about the truths—some wonderful, some terrible—that children know and adults do not.” —Time Magazine

“They say you cannot go home again, and that is as true as a knife . . .”

A man returns to the site of his childhood home where, years before, he knew a girl named Lettie Hempstock who showed him the most marvelous, dangerous, and outrageous things, but when he gets there he learns that nothing is as he remembered.

Wondrous, imaginative, impossible, and at times deeply scary, The Ocean at the End of the Lane is classic Neil Gaiman and has captured the hearts of readers everywhere.

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Nombre del libro An Excerpt from The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Género Ficción y literatura
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 373.67 KB

An Excerpt from The Ocean at the End of the Lane (Neil Gaiman) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de An Excerpt from The Ocean at the End of the Lane, libro de Neil Gaiman

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Descarga de An Excerpt from The Ocean at the End of the Lane E-Book

El libro An Excerpt from The Ocean at the End of the Lane escrito por Neil Gaiman se publicó el martes, 6 de mayo de 2014 en la categoría Ficción y literatura. Un total de 162 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico an excerpt from the ocean at the end of the lane (373.67 KB)

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