Reseña de The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy

Julia Quinn

The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy de Julia Quinn Resumen del Libro

From #1 New York Times bestselling author, and creator of the Bridgerton series, Julia Quinn presents the fourth and final installment in the Bridgerton adjacent Regency era-set world featuring the romantic adventures of the well-meaning but less-than-accomplished Smythe-Smith musicians. In this case, cellist Iris Smythe-Smith finds herself courted by a suspiciously eager nobleman—but is he only playing with her heartstrings?

Sir Richard Kenworthy has less than a month to find a bride. He knows he can’t be too picky, but when he sees Iris Smythe-Smith hiding behind her cello at her family’s infamous musicale, he thinks he might have struck gold. She’s the type of girl you don’t notice until the second-or third look, but there’s something about her, something simmering under the surface, and he knows she’s the one.

Iris Smythe-Smith is used to being underestimated. With her pale hair and quiet, sly wit she tends to blend into the background, and she likes it that way. So when Richard Kenworthy demands an introduction, she is suspicious. He flirts, he charms, he gives every impression of a man falling in love, but she can’t quite believe it’s all true. And when his proposal of marriage turns into a compromising position that forces the issue, she can’t help thinking that he’s hiding something...even as her heart tells her to say yes.

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Descarga de The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy E-Book

El libro The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy escrito por Julia Quinn se publicó el martes, 27 de enero de 2015 en la categoría Histórica. Un total de 80 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the secrets of sir richard kenworthy (34.56 MB)

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