Reseña de Age of Ultron

Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Christos Gage, Al Ewing, Kathryn Immonen, Matt Kindt, Cullen Bunn, Rick Remender, Gerry Duggan & Mark Waid

Age of Ultron de Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Christos Gage, Al Ewing, Kathryn Immonen, Matt Kindt, Cullen Bunn, Rick Remender, Gerry Duggan & Mark Waid Resumen del Libro

Collects Age of Ultron #110; Avengers Assemble #14AU 15AU ; Fantastic Four #5AU ; Fearless Defenders #4AU; Superior Spider Man #6AU ; Ultron #1AU ; Uncanny Avengers #8AU ; Wolverine & the XMen #27AU ; Avengers #10AI. For years; the Marvel Universe has lived in fear that the artificial intelligence known as Ultron would one day evolve to fulfill its greatest desire: to wipe out all organic life and take over the Earth. That day has arrived! The impossible has happened and Ultron rules the planet! And as the few super hero survivors that remain try desperately to stay alive; Luke Cage learns the staggering secret of Ultron's victory. As a nearbroken Captain America leads a ragtag counterattack; Wolverine makes a controversial and desperate decision that creates an allnew Marvel Universe! But can even this rash act defeat Ultron?

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Nombre del libro Age of Ultron
Género Novelas gráficas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 800.89 MB

Age of Ultron (Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Christos Gage, Al Ewing, Kathryn Immonen, Matt Kindt, Cullen Bunn, Rick Remender, Gerry Duggan & Mark Waid) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Age of Ultron, libro de Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Christos Gage, Al Ewing, Kathryn Immonen, Matt Kindt, Cullen Bunn, Rick Remender, Gerry Duggan & Mark Waid

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Descarga de Age of Ultron E-Book

El libro Age of Ultron escrito por Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Christos Gage, Al Ewing, Kathryn Immonen, Matt Kindt, Cullen Bunn, Rick Remender, Gerry Duggan & Mark Waid se publicó el miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014 en la categoría Novelas gráficas. Un total de 30 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico age of ultron (800.89 MB)

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